Vehicle Service Facility Secures Loan for Equipment and Operations

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Safe ADAS Calibration

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In August 2023, Matt Roberts, referred by a commercial attorney, turned to the Houston SBDC for guidance as he prepared to launch his first venture: Vehicle Safety Systems, LLC (dba Safe ADAS Calibration).

Securing Capital for the New Business

Roberts had a compelling vision, but turning it into reality required capital, specifically to secure a facility and the equipment needed to begin offering these services. He met with his SBDC advisor, Charles Capers, who determined that a thorough business plan was necessary to apply for and secure financing for the new entity. Capers provided Roberts with a framework to get started and assisted with creating a financial forecast, industry profile, and benchmarking to include in the finalized plan.  

However, after consulting the lender and further discussion with Roberts, Capers recommended that he apply for a conventional loan to finance the equipment, as it would offer a quicker process compared to other options, which meant he could launch sooner. In agreement, Roberts confirmed that he could infuse a lump sum of his own capital to go toward the facility as well

Safe ADAS Calibration Takes the Wheel

September 2023 marked a significant milestone for Safe ADAS Calibration. With a loan secured and his investment fueling the venture, Roberts successfully launched his business. He officially established the entity as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) and immediately added two full-time positions to the team.

But the SBDC’s role didn’t end with the launch. Recognizing the ongoing needs of a young business, the SBDC continues to offer Roberts and Safe ADAS Calibration support as needed, ensuring they have the resources they need to navigate the challenges and opportunities of establishing a new entity in a dynamic, niche market. 

“Necessity is the mother of invention,” SBDC advisor Charles Capers reflects. “By Matt having the clairvoyance and clear-cut vision to launch a cutting edge ADAS business, it made my role as an advisor markedly easier. It’s a privilege to work with this client.”

Safe ADAS Calibration specializes in servicing vehicles with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), which enhances driving with safety features like lane departure warnings, automatic braking, and blind spot detection. By ensuring the optimal performance of these systems, Safe ADAS Calibration contributes directly to maximizing driver control and safety on the road.

Aries Payne - Communications Coordinator
February 6, 2025


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