How Content Marketing Can Help Your Small Business: Nine Tips From New York-Based Entrepreneurs

Content marketing is making a real impact on small businesses looking to reach customers at an affordable price. Creating content that resonates with your customers can help generate interest in your brand while boosting your expertise in your industry at the same time.

When content marketing is done right, it can really help take a business to the next level. Even in a highly competitive market such as New York, the right content marketing efforts can help you stand out from your rivals and become more visible to your target audience.
To help you take advantage of content marketing the smartest way possible, we asked members of Forbes New York Business Council to weigh in with their top content marketing tips for small businesses in New York. Here’s what they had to say:
1. Give Them What They Want
As a business owner, it’s really easy to want to push your own agenda as to what you show the customer, but if they love someone that you may not necessarily love, give them more of that! It’s not about you, it’s about what customers want. Give them what they want and they’ll be back for more. Stick to what works. - Hoda Mahmoodzadegan, Molly’s Milk Truck + F'in Delicious Beverages
2. Be Original One of the worst things I see when I look to patronize or connect with another business is if their social media is full of stock photos or is obviously being run by a third party. To me it shows that they don't take pride in what they actually do in their own small business. Show what you do and what a great job you do at it. Seeing someone else's work doesn't make me want to go to you. - Edward Alvarez, Edward A Alvarez, DDS, PC/NYCLaserDentist
3. Don't Be Afraid To Share What You Know I used to think that everything I learned in 15 years designing stores and interiors should not be shared. After all, clients hire me for that knowledge, so why give it away? In the past year I started writing for Forbes or for my blog, giving out all my "secrets", and I got a lot of exposure from it. Clients now come because of these writings. - Sergio Mannino, Sergio Mannino Studio, we design interiors and we create brands
4. Leverage The Power Of Audio
I admit I’m biased, but I think podcasting is one of the greatest ways to get your message out, no matter how big your business. All of your production and distribution needs are right there on your phone. It’s infinitely less costly than video, and it’s a medium that is perfectly catered to niche topics and audiences. - Francesco Baschieri, Voxnest
5. Identify Your Target Audience And Their Needs
Identify exactly who you’re speaking to and what keeps them up at night. Then think about how something you are knowledgeable about can give them a leg up. And don’t be afraid to give away the secret sauce. Some of the most successful business consultancies in the world give their entire process away in book form (StoryBrand, EOS, E-Myth Worldwide, etc.). - Tom Conlon, North Street
6. Create Meaningful, Entertaining Content
Keep your audience engaged, curious and wanting to learn more. Write interesting articles, create entertaining video and share your knowledge as freely as possible. Content allows potential clients to get to know you as a person and your company's brand. - Jill Strickman, GENUINE: The Real People Company
7. Focus On Providing Value
Digital content is often the first impression consumed by your consumer. Offer value, clearly represent your brand and develop a strategy built for your consumer for every platform. Here are a few questions to help develop a content strategy: 1) Does it offer value to the consumer? 2) Does it communicate what, why and how? 3) Is it confusing or clear? 4) Is it consistent with the brand message? - Rob Taormina, TalkIQ Media
8. Highlight Unique Company Endeavors
Highlight unique and authentic company endeavors. Two unique and authentic endeavors we've highlighted include a social campaign for women's month, which highlights both our team members and female clients through various platforms, and an upcoming podcast entitled "The Brick Wall," which stems from a team phrase used to power through even the biggest challenges in the office space. - Warren H. Cohn, HeraldPR
9. Create Solutions For Your Ideal Customers
As a small business, you need to differentiate yourself from competitors. But, when creating content, be careful not to talk about yourself. Once you have identified who your ideal customers are and where they are consuming content, you should create content that is focused on them, not you. Create solutions for them—provide a "what's in it for me" and your content marketing will soar. - Andy Seibert, Imprint