How to Become a GSA Schedule Contractor

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: UH SBDC, 2302 Fannin, Suite 200

Registration is no longer available.


The GSA Schedule Contract, also referred to as the Federal Supply Schedule or GSA Contract, is a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contract administered by the General Services Administration (GSA). The GSA Schedule Contract is the most widely used government contract vehicle. In fiscal year 2011 alone, federal, state, and local governments spent over $38.5 billion through GSA contracts.
This workshop will provide a step-by-step guide to getting started and becoming a GSA Schedule contractor.  Three main areas will be covered. 

  • Understanding the solicitation process
  • How to conduct market research and gather information as it relates to obtaining contracts
  • Insight into preparing your response to a GSA contract


Albert J. Garza, Director, Regional Office of Small Business Utilization, GSA Greater Southwest Region

Please Note:

Satisfactory meeting room temperatures are difficult to maintain.  Always bring a sweater or jacket to ensure comfort.


Pay on-line and Save $20!

Pay at the door Price:   $39.00
On-Line You Save:         $20.00
Pay On-Line Price:         $19.00


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