Breakfast with Beth - Jump into 2019 with Google Trends

7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Location: UH Bauer College SBDC, 2302 Fannin, Suite 200

Registration is no longer available.

Before heading into the office, join us for coffee, donuts, and a unique way to get information on topics as they relate to Internet Marketing, SEO, SEM, Websites, and Social Media.  In this open forum discussion we will center on one topic but based on your questions other topics may be covered as well.   

Please note: this is not a typical seminar with a PowerPoint presentation and a defined agenda.  Our trainer will introduce a topic, however based on your questions and the audience makeup, the topic may change and go in other directions as they relate to internet marketing.    

The January discussion will center on: 

Jump into 2019 with Google Trends

Geared toward all levels.


Beth Guide, Owner, 

Please Note:

Satisfactory meeting room temperatures are difficult to maintain.  Always bring a sweater or jacket to ensure comfort.

No children under the age of 16 are allowed in the workshop.

Only service animals allowed - If you need to bring a service animal with you to a workshop please contact us ahead of time.

If you choose to pay at the door please add $20 to the registration fee.


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