Legal Tips for Entrepreneurs
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As a business owner, nobody expects you to fully understand everything about the law.
Attend this information packed workshop and discover from an expert some key legal tips that every business owner should know. Jeff Wheelock is a business and franchise attorney who regularly assists new and existing business owners in areas such as business structure, ownership agreements, and employment issues.
Workshop Highlights:
- Legal considerations for start-ups, taking over an existing business, and buying a franchise
- Employees versus Contractors
- Common Legal Myths
- Confidentiality Agreements
- Choosing a legal business entity
- Partnership agreements
Plus much more!
Jeffrey W. Wheelock, Attorney, Dickinson & Wheelock, P.C.
Please Note:
Satisfactory meeting room temperatures are difficult to maintain. Always bring a sweater or jacket to ensure comfort.
Pay on-line and Save $20!
Pay at the door Price: $39.00
On-Line You Save: $20.00
Pay On-Line Price: $19.00