Successful Selling Techniques
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: UH Bauer College SBDC, 2302 Fannin, Suite 200
Registration is no longer available.
Finding customers and making sales is what business is all about. Without customers and sales, businesses will not survive. This workshop will cover the basic skills that good sales people need to learn in order to develop an effective selling strategy to achieve positive results.
Highlights include:
- A system to help you close more deals
- Tips on how to reduce discounting your products and services
- A methodology to help shorten your sales cycles
- Recommendations on how to sell without giving away your valuable expertise
- Top reasons on why people really buy
Breakfast included.
Troy Elmore, Sandler Sales Institute
Please Note:
Satisfactory meeting room temperatures are difficult to maintain. Always bring a sweater or jacket to ensure comfort.
No children under the age of 16 are allowed in the workshop.
Only service animals allowed - If you need to bring a service animal with you to a workshop please contact us ahead of time.
Pay on-line and Save $20!
Pay at the door Price: $79.00
On-Line You Save: $20.00
Pay On-Line Price: $59.00