Making Sense of the Numbers

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: UH Bauer College SBDC, 2302 Fannin, Suite 200

Registration is no longer available.

Do you love owning your own business but hate tracking the numbers? You’re not alone! We recognize the hurdle you face every day in trying to keep track of the financial position of your business. In this session, designed for people just like you, we have taken the key financial statements and created a way to make them easy to understand and use. Once you master these statements you will be able to keep your finger on the pulse of your business and make smart financial decisions at any given point in time.  

Attend this workshop and discover:
  • How to easily develop customized financial statements
  • How to pinpoint the weak areas of your business
  • How to determine what the numbers are really telling you
  • How to increase your profitability
  • How you compare to others in your industry
  • Plus much more!


John Lopez, Consultant


Start Smart, Grow Smart Series

Attend one or all four of the workshops in our recommended Start Smart, Grow Smart series and learn what it really takes to start, run, and grow your business. Designed with you in mind, our workshops give you the foundation you need for small business success.

Armed with the real world knowledge you'll gain from our expert instructors and the practical advice available from our team of seasoned consultants, you will be ready to turn your small business into a reality!

    • Starting Your Business
    • Creating a Marketing Plan
    • Making Sense of the Numbers
    • Business Plan Basics 

Please Note: 

Satisfactory meeting room temperatures are difficult to maintain.  Always bring a sweater or jacket to ensure comfort.

No children under the age of 16 are allowed in the workshop.

Only service animals allowed - If you need to bring a service animal with you to a workshop please contact us ahead of time.


Pay on-line and Save $20!

Pay at the door Price:   $45.00
On-Line You Save:         $20.00
Pay On-Line Price:         $25.00


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